Tuesday, July 19, 2011

BackPocket Finances Vol 2

Hurricane preparations should start when you obtain a site to build your home. As you select your plot, ensure that the area is not vulnerable to the elements; not prone to floods or landslides… There are areas which may be considered very vulnerable, moderate or invulnerable. If your plot is moderate ensure that you are able to afford all the amenities necessary to improve the conditions. Get the soil tested make sure that it is appropriate for your needs.

Your home is a careful plan, avoid making rash decisions, buying or building a home is one of life’s riskier investments and to maximize returns your home must meet the standards. Consider a mortgage that suits your financial status. Remember the more you invest, the higher your returns. Build a durable home. On the other hand, if you need to knock up a quick house, or in desperate need of shelter but lack of money, at least consider building a small room (e.g. a bathroom) which will be able to withstand a hurricane.

The Architect who designs your room to suit its rightful functions is the right one for you. Consider the architect who asks: “what do you want this room to do for you?” During the hurricane many roofs would fly off homes, ensure that your architect designs a hurricane proof home for you.

Your contractor must work on par with your architect. Many times when your architect instructs hurricane shutters or hurricane clamps two feet apart. Your contractor omits your shutters then put in your clamps further away saving him/her material & labor cost. Ensure that your contractor uses your design.

Understanding that we live within a very active hurricane belt, every June we must prepare a HURRICANE KIT

Your HURRICANE KIT must be waterproof e.g. a plastic container: The Kit consists of:

· A list of approved hurricane shelters closest to you. Obtain from NEMO “National Emergency Management Organization” Weather Service Hotline: 454-3452

· First Aid Kit: A month’s supply of medication; panadols, paracetamols

· A Supply of portable water

· Torchlight, Extra batteries, Radio

· Candles and matches (obtain proper candle holders for safety)

· A supply of dry foods, canned products…

· Family sleeping bags

· Plastic garbage bags for storage of clean clothes

Roof Construction

· Add additional screws/fasteners at the end of every valley and rise of roof sheeting

· Add hurricane clamps with screws to all rafters and purlins. Screws should be minimum #10 x 2”. NO DRYWALL SCREWS, Drywalls screws are for drywall only

· Ensure that rafters are bolted and fastened to the wall plate or ring beam

The Surrounding

· All windows are to have shutters of simple ½” ply screwed to the window Frame

· Make sure all drains are flowing freely. Drains are to be kept clean. During the hurricane drains may get clogged, arrange a contingency plan in the event this happens

· Overhead branches are to be cut back or trimmed

· Re-fuel your vehicle

· Educate your children about hurricanes and what to expect during a hurricane

During the Hurricane

· Be vigilant, be aware of your surroundings, listen to your radio

· Store valuables in waterproof containers or plastic bags

· Keep children occupied with board games and stick together as a family

· In the event that you need to evacuate, use your NEMO Shelter List to direct you to the shelter closest to you

· During evacuation watch out for flying debris or power-lines

Ensure that your home and property insurance is sufficient & valid, especially around these months. Be prepared for this hurricane season.

Thanks to CJB Associates: Architect Christopher J Bristol:// bristol.chris@gmail.com

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